Friday, October 12, 2012

Guess what!

Baby butt!

Jeff and I are excited to announce that we are expecting Baby Chisholm on March 29, 2013!

I found out that I was pregnant on Friday, July 20th. I took the pregnancy test as soon as I woke up and stared at the positive pregnancy test stunned for a minute before bursting into tears of joy. 

A week beforehand Jeff told me that I wasn't allowed to tell him that I was pregnant over the phone or computer.  As luck would have it the morning that I took the test was the only morning that he had to be at work early in ages so he was already gone by the time I saw "Pregnant" on the test.  I was dying to tell someone so I woke my parents up at 7:30 am their time.  We laughed.  We cried.  I got dressed for work.

On the ride to work, Michael Buble's I Just Haven't Met You Yet started to play on my Pandora station.  Again, I burst into tears.  The lines that really got me?  "Baby, your love is going to change me," and "I promise you kid, I'll give so much more than I get.  I just haven't met you yet."  Suddenly, the lyrics took on a totally new meaning. I was singing the song in my head to the baby.  

So how is pregnancy treating me?  Being pregnant is probably the least glamorous thing I've experienced so far in my life.  Name a symptom and I've had it.  I'm only 16 weeks along, but I feel confident in saying that I will never get the "glow" and I will definitely get the water retention.  I feel so blessed to have this little baby growing inside of me though, so I will take whatever comes my way and keep praying for a healthy baby.

Jeff has been AMAZING throughout the pregnancy.  He pets my head when I have a headache, buys me ginger ale when I'm feeling nauseous, makes me dinner and goes to the store whenever I ask.  He made the mistake early on by telling me that I "can do no wrong for the next 9 months."  I'm trying my best not to take advantage of his support. :)

If the pregnancy goes according to plan (knock on wood), the timing is perfect.  I will still be in my second trimester when we move.  From what I've read about the second trimester, that's when you're supposed to feel the best and have the most energy (Please do not tell me if that is an old wives' tale to get women through the first trimester because I'm really banking on the energy and the not-being-sick part!).  We will have about 4 months to get the house in order and get settled in New Orleans before the baby comes. 

Baby Chisholm at 12 weeks

I didn't realize until after I posted this that I never mentioned when I told Jeff about the baby.  Well, I talked to him several times throughout the day and it was killing me not being able to say anything.  I thought of a bunch of different ways to tell him and ultimately decided on something...lame.  Jeff is obsessed with his phone.  He loves it more than most things in the world.  As I heard him walking through the front door, I texted him a picture of the positive pregnancy test. I thought he would see it and get excited.  Well, he didn't notice the text and put his phone down in the bedroom.  When he came into the living room, I was sitting on the sofa looking like a kid whose hand was caught in the cookie jar and he had no idea what was going on.  I went into the bedroom and got his phone to show him the text.  It was very anticlimactic. 

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited!!!! Congrats guys! - Laur Barry
