Monday, August 6, 2012

the next chapter

Eight years ago today, I moved to New York.  I was 23 years old.  I had $2,000 in the bank, no job lined up, and no clue what I was going to do with my life.  The move could have been disastrous, but it wasn't.  It was life-changing.  In these eight years, I found my husband, my career, and some of the best friends I've ever known.  It only seems appropriate to officially announce on my anniversary that I will be moving back to New Orleans at the end of the year. 

The exact date of our move will depend on my job.  The lease on our apartment is up at the end of October, but I am planning large events in Connecticut and Washington D.C. in early November.  If I stay for those events, we will move home after Thanksgiving.  If I don't, we will move home after Halloween.  Either way, we look forward to planning the move and the start of our new life!   Next Wednesday, Jeff and I will fly down to New Orleans for a quick house-buying trip.  Please keep your fingers crossed that we find something we love.  Jeff's boss was gracious enough to allow him to work remotely, so he will also visit his company's Metairie office while we are in town to introduce himself and get the lay of the land.

I am so lucky to have a wonderful husband who is willing to leave his life in New York and start a new life with me in New Orleans.  He has visited New Orleans often during the course of our relationship, but I'm excited to see him become a true New Orleanian.  I'm excited for myself as well.   I left New Orleans right after college, so I've never experienced day to day life in New Orleans as an adult. I am sure it will have its challenges, but I will happily embrace them because the rewards will outnumber them at every turn.  

I will leave reminiscing about my years in New York for another post (one about which the thought of writing causes my eyes to instantly fill with tears) and save this post for celebrating my homecoming.  I look forward to crawfish boils.  To being at my niece's and nephews' birthday parties.  To spending time with my closest friends and family.  To seeing my husband develop stronger relationships with some of my favorite people in the world. To raising my own, little Y'ats.  To Mardi Gras.  To Jazz Fest.  To being in that number and seeing the Saints play EVERY game, not just the nationally televised ones.

The past eight years in New York have been amazing.  I can't wait to see what the next eight years in New Orleans will hold for The Chisholms!